Tuesday, December 21, 2010

State Cadet Camp 2010 !!!! =)!

State Cadet Camp 2010 WAS AWESOME!!

                                                                    Group Mickey =) Cheers
Mickey Mouse Club House =)!

Introducing GROUP MEMBERS!!! =)!

Belle Lee (She`s Cute =)! and She Do Take Time To Talk With Me hahaha =)! Love spending time with her too =)! hahaha ^_^! )~
                            Me and Belle =)! isn`t she`s cute? :D haha

KEVIN TAN! ( LALALALA GROuP LeadER HAhaa Sry 4 Annoying u if i did! hahaha ^_^! ) You were DAM DAM DAM *GAY tooo* hahahaa =)! And i noe you enjoy your time with *Kat......* Lalallaa~ =) XD MuahhahaA! *revenge*! =X XD

Vanessa Chip : Well Wanted to talk to you but somehow u were quite ...... o.O! ^_^

JEK SHEN : HAHA STOP Poking me when i`m not looking at you!!! ^_^

TIM HEE! : TEEHEE! hahahaha! love calling you that! hope 2 see you next year =)! TEEHEE :D

EE HOW! :D hahaha ^_^ Fun hanging with you too! ^_^ NI HAO! :D =)!

AMANDA!! AHHA Will Try my best to learn ur laughS! HAHA ^_^ u will see the result on next SCC ^_^ hahah!

Queeny ! : well u were quite ! but i can see u were enjoying with LOGGING =)! haha

Sook Ling! : Last year we were same group... u were quite now still you`r quite! haha but at least we talk a few words right?! =) ^_^

Diveen !: YEA MAN! hahahhaa! Thx for helping me in Personal Survival! (LaUGhs!) Lalalaala

Carmen : HAha ^_^! fun time with u too =)! hope to see u nExt Year! =)!

ViVi: HAHA U did Amazing on obstacle Crossing!! Was so ShocK! hahaha ^_^!

Leow! : Well i noe you quite well d =) ^_^ hahaha!
 HahahhaA This is the tent i slept =)! (Dam SMELLY!) Haha On the 3rd day din sleep there d XD! 

Hahaha Well to bad this camp came to an EnD!
Really hope to see all of you again NEXT YEAR as in 2011!!!! Must go ar all of you! ^_^!!!
Totally Enjoyed myself this 5days camp with you~! =)! ^_^!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaa... hope u had a great time and will continue to go for state camp in the coming years... hahaha... U have a great blog.. keepit up....
